It Doesn’t Take Long

Vol. 17 No. 20 | May 18, 2014
6646There is a golf course, or should I say, there was a golf course in our community. The course was once a fairly popular private golf course and country club which included a club house, swimming pool, and tennis courts. The course closed at the end of last year.

Although the decision to close the course had been made more than a year before the actual closing, the maintenance workers had done a good job of taking care of the course right up to the closing. Fairways were mowed. Greens were cared for. Sand traps never were great, but they tried to take care of them. That was then. That was less than six months ago.

To see the course now one has to remind oneself that six months ago it was a functioning golf course. The hard lingering winter, heavy spring rains, and lack of care has transformed the course into an abandoned forgotten tract of land that may someday be turned into a park or green space. The downward transformation did not take long.

In a matter of months fairways have been covered with weeds, great clusters of clover, and wind blown trees. Fallen limbs and trees that once would have been cleaned up have been left along cart paths and the edge of fairways. Greens are now filled with weeds and gopher trails. Carl Spackler where are you?

For a golfer who enjoyed an occasional round on the old course and taking photographs of the beautiful colors of fall this is a sad sight. But there are other things that can take a downward turn quickly when the proper care and attention are discontinued.

When a couple fails to give their marriage appropriate time and attention the relationship can begin to suffer quickly.

When one stops giving attention to his physical condition — stops eating healthy foods, stops exercising, stops getting proper rest — his body will suffer and serious health problems can develop.

When parents fail to give their children the love and protection and security they need the development of the child can be disrupted and delayed.

When an employee fails to give his or her job the attention it needs not only can his or her position with the company be jeopardized, but the company itself can be affected.

When leaders of a church fail to give the love and care that the people under their care need and deserve the whole body will suffer.

When one fails to feed his soul with spiritual food and receive the nourishment of a healthy spiritual family he will grow weak and vulnerable and easy prey for attacks from the Enemy.

This passage from the New Testament book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of providing care and encouragement for one another:

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. (Hebrews 3:12-14, NIV)
Now the questions. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you feeding your soul? Are you nurturing your relationships? Are you fulfilling your role as a fellow believer? If you are, good! Please continue and look for more opportunities to increase your efforts. If you are not, please consider this a warning from someone who cares for your soul — even though I may not know you — I care. You need to take care of yourself and your relationships…especially your relationship with the Lord. It doesn’t take long to see the negative consequences.
Please start today. Please do not stop. Please look around at those you love and if they need your help, your support, your love, or your encouragement, give it. If you need these same things from them, ask for them.

It doesn’t take long.



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