At the End of Your Rope?

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 Vol. 19 No. 50 | December 17, 2017

At the End of Your Rope?

The sermon begins with these words:

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.   (Matthew 5:3, The Message)

Do you feel like you’re at the end of your rope?

Maybe you’ve been in a classroom with twenty-five kindergarten children and it’s two days before Christmas break.

Or you’ve been working two jobs for the last six months, so you can afford the Christmas gifts your children want.

Or you’re headed to yet another doctor appointment to hear one more time, “Let’s try this and see if it helps.”

Maybe the end of your rope comes when you’re visiting your wife who hasn’t recognized you in two years, hoping today she will.

Or you’re clocking in for another boring day at your dead-end job.

Or you’re trying to prepare another sermon when you are spiritually and emotionally drained.

Maybe the end of your rope is another night eating alone.

Or reading another Christmas letter reminding you how wonderful they and their kids are doing.

Or looking at the calendar and remembering all the things you intended to do this year that you didn’t.

Maybe the end of your rope is opening your Bible again with no idea of what words you need to hear from the Lord.

Or maybe the end of your rope is when you feel like, no matter how hard you try, you still keep falling short and can’t seem to get your life right as a follower of Jesus.

If you are the end of there is good news. Jesus said,

With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

Although there is probably much more to the second part of that verse than I understand, I understand enough to know that Jesus is saying, “Congratulations! You’ve done your part, now I can take over and do what needs to be done. You’ve worked hard trying to navigate this life I’ve called you to. Finally, you’re realizing that you can’t do it alone. Now, let me help.”

Are you at the end of your rope? Good. You are right where you need to be.


A Norvell Note © Copyright 2017 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved

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